MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06 Title: Ploughman's Pikelets Categories: Australian, Camping, Pancakes Yield: 4 Servings 2 Eggs 1 Pannikin of milk Few good spoonfuls of sugar 1 1/2 Pannikin of self-raising - flour 2 pn Salt Beat eggs, add in milk, mix well. Add sugar, flour, salt and blend to a smooth mixture. Hang pan over coals and heat, melt in a couple of spoonfuls of margarine. When hot add spoonfuls of mixture and cook until top bubbles. Then turn. Serve when cooked golden brown on both sides. Try with margarine and jam, or golden syrup sauce. From: Kevin Jcjd Symons Golden syrup isn't corn syrup but a British amber coloured very light treacle (molasses) resembling honey. - JW MMMMM