---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.02 Title: VEGETABLE CASSEROLE WITH CORNBREAD DRESSING Categories: Vegetarian, Main dish Yield: 6 servings --------------------------FILLING-------------------------- 2 tb Butter, soy margarine or Canola oil 1 md Onion, finely chopped 3 Cloves garlic, minced 2 lg Tomatoes, finely chopped 1/2 c Water 1 md Potato, chopped into 1-in. Cubes 1 md Sweet potato, chopped into 1-inch cubes 1 c Green beans, cut into 1" pcs 1 c Broccoli or cauliflower Florets chopped into 1" pcs Salt and pepper to taste 1/2 c Frozen peas, thawed ---------------------CORNBREAD TOPPING--------------------- 1 Egg, or Ener-G egg replacer To equal 1 egg 1 tb Sugar 1/2 c Buttermilk or soymilk 1/2 c Cornmeal 1/2 c Unbleached white flour OR Whole wheat pastry flour 1 ts Baking powder 1/2 ts Baking soda 1/4 c Frozen corn, thawed 1 ts Seeded, chopped jalapeno 1 tb Drained, chopped pimiento Vegetables: Heat marjarine or oil in a large skillet. Add onions and garlic, and saute until onion is translucent, about 5 minutes. Add tomatoes and water and bring to a boil. Add potato. Cover and simmer for 5 minutes. Add sweet potato, green beans, and brocooli or cauliflower. Simmer, covered, for 5 more minutes. Add salt and pepper. (The vegetables are not thoroughly cooked at this stage). Add peas. Remove from heat and keep covered until the topping is ready Topping: Preheat oven 50 425 degrees. Beat together egg or egg replacer and sugar in a large bowl until smooth and creamy. Fold in buttermilk or soymilk. In a separate bowl, combine cornmeal, flour, baking powder and baking soda. Add corn and jalapeno. Add the egg mixture and stir until smooth. Place vegetables in a lightly oiled 8- or 9-inch square pan or a casserole. Spread cornmeal batter in an even layer over vegetables. Sprinkle pimiento on top and gently pat into batter. Bake for 18 to 20 minutes or until a toothpick inserted on top comes out clean. Best served warm, but also good at room temperature. To serve: Score the surface lightly with aknife to indicate where to cut for each serving. Makes 4 to 6 servings. Per serving: 286 calories; 10 g protein; 5 g fat; 53 g. carbohydrate; 62 mg. cholesterol if buttermilk, eggs and butter are used; 0 mg cholesterol if soy margarine, egg replacer and soymilk are used; 545 mg sodium; 9 g. fiber. From _Vegetarian Times_, November 1992 -----