MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.05 Title: Xxcarol's surprise! Categories: Xxcarol, Casserole, Cheap, Diabetic Yield: 8 Servings 1 lb Broccoli 12 oz Cheese, mixed shredded 1 cn Corn 1 cn Lima beans 1 cn Cream of mushroom (shiitake) 1/4 c French's fried onions A very simple to assemble dish, this one started with a desire for tradional green bean casserol! Much to my surprise, we were out of green beans so I looked about. I selected a can of corn and another of lima beans then added 1lb chopped up broccoli. Open and drain veggie cans an put in large caseerole then add cheese then soup (undiluted) and top with the fried onions. Set oven to 350F and add uncovered. Set timer to 30 minutes after it beeps it's at 350F. This one easily adapts to added items like ham, leftover meatloaf, bits of cooked sausage or a curry spicing! From the VB kitchen of xxcarol, 27May2022 MMMMM