MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.02 Title: Bacon and Potato Pie Categories: Potato cass, Eggs, Quiche, Meal pies Yield: 6 servings MMMMM-------------------BON APPETIT TBTC 1990------------------------ 1 lb Bacon 1 Onion, chpd 8 Eggs, beaten 1 lb Russet potatoes, peeled, -grated 2 3/4 c Sharp cheddar, grated 1 ds Pepper Preheat oven 350 F. Grease 9x13" glass baking dish. Microwave bacon, remove. Add onion to bacon fat, microwave; remove. Combine eggs, potatoes, cheese, and pepper. Crumble bacon and mix into egg mixture. Add onions. Pour into prepared baking dish. Bake until center is set, 45 mins. Cut into squares. MMMMM