MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06 Title: Chicken Pie, Great Northern Style Categories: Pies,Chicken, Potatoes, Bacon, Pastry Yield: 8 Servings 3 Stewing chickens -(4.5 to 5 lb ea) 1 lg Onion; sliced 1 bn Parsley 1 Sage sprig 4 tb Flour; heaping 2 tb Butter 3 Egg yolks; well beaten 1/2 c Heavy cream Salt to taste 4 lg Potatoes 8 lg Fresh mushrooms; diced 16 Strips bacon Pastry dough for 2 pies In a large stew pot, cover chickens with cold water. Add onion slices, parsley, and sage. Slowly bring to a boil over medium heat, then simmer until meat is about ready to fall from bones, about 1 to 1-1/2 hours. Separate meat from the bones, retaining the white meat. Continue to simmer stock until reduced by approximately 1/3, then allow to cool. Skim fat off the top and mix it with 4 heaping tb flour and 2 tb butter, then set aside to use as a binder. Meanwhile, remove cold stock to a 2 quart saucepan and add the well-beaten egg yolks and heavy cream and stir to mix. Season to taste. Then, over medium-high heat, heat again, stirring continually. Do not boil. Add the binder and strain thoroughly. Meanwhile, make meal pie pastry sufficient for 2 pies and refrigerate. Boil potatoes in skins until nearly tender, about 15 minutes. Allow to cool, then remove a slice of skin lengthwise sufficient to allow access with a melon baller. Make 32 potato balls and set aside. Dice the mushrooms fine, then saute with bacon until they are tender and bacon is crisp. Crumble the bacon. To finish, place 4 potato balls in individual 2-cup casseroles or baking dishes. Add 3 slices of chicken breast and a portion of the mushroom/bacon mixture. Fill the dish with sauce described above. Roll out the pie pastry moderately thick, trim to fit, then cover casseroles, sealing edges all around. Bake in a 400 degree F oven until the crust is a rich brown color, about 20 minutes. Serve hot en casserole. This recipe is from the Great Northern Railway. FROM: Dining By Rail by James D. Porterfield. Shared by Robert Rostrup MMMMM