---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.01 Title: Turkey Pot Pie Categories: Poultry Yield: 6 servings 5 Potatoes, mashed 3 c Diced turkey 1 Egg, slightly beaten 2 c Chopped celery 1/2 c Mayonnaise 1 c Cooked peas, drained 1 tb Lemon juice 1 c Cheddar cheese, grated Cook & mash potatoes, or used leftovers. Stir in egg. Spread in well oiled 9-inch pie pan. Bake at 375 degrees for 10 minutes. Combine mayonnaise and lemon juice; stir in turkey, celery, and peas. Spoon into potato crust. Top with cheese. Continue baking 15-20 minutes or until hot through. -----