MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06 Title: Shepherd's Pie Categories: Leftovers, Savory pies Yield: 6 servings 1 lb Leftover roast beef 2 tb Butter 1 c Onion; finely chopped 1/2 c Carrot; finely chopped 1/2 c Celery; finely chopped 2 tb Parsley; finely chopped 3 tb Flour 2 tb Tomato paste 1/2 c Dry white wine 1 1/2 c Chicken stock 1 ts Worcestershire sauce Pepper; to taste 1 c Corn kernels (fresh or -frozen); cooked 2 c Mashed potatoes 1/2 c Sharp cheddar cheese; grated Cut the meat into 1/4" cubes. There should be about 3 cups. Set aside. Heat the butter in a saucepan and add onions, carrots, celery and parsley. Cook, stirring, until the onions are wilted. Sprinkle with flour and stir with a wire whisk. Add the tomato paste, wine, stock, Worcestershire sauce and pepper, stirring rapidly with the whisk. Let simmer 10 minutes and stir in the cubed meat and the corn. Cook 5 minutes longer. Preheat the oven to 350 F. Put the meat and sauce in a seven-cup baking dish or casserole. Outfit a pastry bag with a round pastry tube--No. 7 or 8--and spoon mashed potatos into the bag. (No need for this really. You can just spread the potatoes nicely with a spoon/butter knife etc.) Pipe the potatoes neatly and evenly on top of the meat mixture, covering it completely. Sprinkle evenly with cheese and place the dish in the oven. Bake 30 to 45 minutes, or until the dish is piping hot throughout and the cheese is melted. If necessary, run the dish briefly under the broiler to glaze the top. >From the files of MMMMM