MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.04 Title: Eggs On Hand Categories: Pickell Yield: 2 Recipes MMMMM----------------------HARD COOKED EGGS--------------------------- 12 Eggs MMMMM--------------------PICKLING INGREDIENTS------------------------- 1/2 c Vinegar, white 1 c Water 1 t Sugar 3/4 t Salt 1/2 t Peppercorns 5 Whole cloves 1/2 Bay leaf 1 Chili pepper,dried HARD COOKED EGGS: Preparation Time: 10 minutes Cooking Time: 10 minutes Standing Time: 25 minutes If desired, pricke large end of egg with a pin to prevent them from cracking. Place eggs in a single layer in a large deep saucepan. Cover with at least 1 inch (2.5 cm) cold water over top of the eggs. Cover saucepan and bring to a boil over high heat. Immediately remove pan from heat to stop boiling. Let eggs stand in water for 20 to 25 minutes. Drain water and immediately run cold water over eggs for 2 minutes (for easier peeling and to prevent a grey ring from forming around the yolks). PICKLED EGGS: Preparation time: 10 minutes Cooking time: 10 minutes (+cooling) In a small saucepan, combine remaining ingredients. Cover and bring to a boil. Over low heat, simmer for 10 minutes. Strain liquid and cool to room temperature. Place 6 peeled hard cooked eggs in a screw-top jar. Cover with vinegar solution. Screw cover in place and let stand in refrigerator for at least 2 days before using. Pickled eggs will keep several months without refrigeration if the container in unopened. Once opened, refrigerate and use within one month. NOTE: Keep a jar of hard cooked or pickeled eggs in the refrigerator for instant snacks, devilled eggs, garnishes, meals on the run, sandwich fillings, salad plates or quick supper recipes. Submitted by: Kathleen Pickell MMMMM