MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06 Title: Perfect Poached Eggs Categories: Eggs Yield: 2 servings 4 lg Eggs Fill a saucepan with several inches of water. Heat the water on high until it reaches a boil and then lower the heat until the water is at a bare simmer (just a few bubbles coming up now and then). Working with the eggs one at a time, crack the egg into a small bowl or cup. Place the bowl close to the surface of the hot water and gently slip the egg into the water. If you want, use a spoon to push some of the egg whites closer to their yolks, to help them hold together. Add all of the eggs you are poaching to the pan in the same way, keeping some distance between them. Turn off the heat and cover the pan. Set a timer for 4 minutes. At this point the egg whites should be completely cooked, while the egg yolks are still runny. Note that the timing depends on the size of the eggs, the number of eggs in the pot, and if you are cooking at altitude, so adjust accordingly. If you are at altitude, want firmer egg yolks, or are poaching more than 4 eggs at once, you may need to cook them longer. If you try 4 minutes and the eggs are too cooked, reduce the time. Gently lift the poached eggs out of the pan with a slotted spoon and place on a plate to serve. To easily drain the eggs, place them on a slice of stale bread before serving. The bread will absorb the water-no more soggy poached eggs! RECIPE FROM: Uncle Dirty Dave's Archives MMMMM