---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.02 Title: Chili Salsa Beef Categories: Mia. herald, Meats/beef Yield: 4 servings 1 1/2 lb Boneless beef chuck 1 tb Olive oil 1 c Salsa; prepared med or hot -chunky 2 tb Brown sugar; packed 1 tb Soy sauce; reduced sodium 1 cl Garlic; crushed 1/3 c Cilantro; coarsely chopped 2 tb Fresh lime juice 2 c Hot cooked rice Cilantro sprigs (opt) Lime; quartered (opt) Trim fat from beef. Cut beef into 1 1/4" pieces. in Dutch oven, heat oil over medium heat until hot. Add beef (half at a time) and brown evenly, stirring occasionally. Pour off drippings. Stir salsa, sugar, soy sauce, and garlic into beef. Bring to a boil; reduce heat to low. Cover tight and simmer 1 hour. Remove cover; continue cooking, uncovered 30 minutes longer or until beef is tender. Remove from heat; stir in chopped cilantro and lime juice. Spoon beef mixture over rice. Garnish with cilantro sprigs and lime quarters if desired. Source: Miami Herald, 3/7/96 -----