MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.02 Title: JAPANESE LAMB FOR CROCKPOT Categories: Lamb, Japanese, Crock Yield: 8 servings 2 lb Lamb 1/4 c Sauce, soy 1 tb Honey 2 tb Vinegar 2 tb Sherry 2 ea Garlic cloves, crushed 1/4 ts Ginger, ground 1 1/2 c Stock, chicken; optional Put all ingredients in crockpot and cook all day on LOW. Calories per serving: 248 Sylvia's comments: I converted this from a marinate-and-broil recipe that required better meat. This worked great on cheap stew lamb; it actually took away the strong lamb taste. I defatted the crockpot juices, thickened with cornstarch, and used it on green beans. That with the lamb and some yellow rice made a great dinner. MMMMM