* Exported from MasterCook * Roast Stuffed Shoulder Of Lamb~ Recipe By : Old Magazine clipping from England, Sixties? Serving Size : 8 Preparation Time :0:15 Categories : Lamb Silvia Amount Measure Ingredient -- Preparation Method -------- ------------ -------------------------------- 4 Pounds Shoulder Of Lamb -- Boned Stuffing: 1/2 Ounce Butter 2 Ounces Mushrooms -- Chopped 3 Ounces Soft White Bread Crumbs Salt And Pepper 1/2 Teaspoon Mixed Herbs 1 Egg To Bind Or -- Beaten 3 1/2 Ounces Prepared Stuffing Mix Flour Dried Rosemary -- Optional 1 Clove Garlic -- Optional Salt And Pepper Open out meat and place stuffing near centre. Roll up and tie firmly with string at 1 " intervals. Place meat on rack in roasting tin. Dust with flour (this helps crisp the fat) and sprinkle with rosemary. Place skinned, crushed clove of garlic beneath the rack. Cook in a very moderate oven (350 F, gas mark 3) for 45 minutes per pound stuffed weight. When done, remove roast to a heated platter and keep it warm while you make gravy in the roasting tin. Pour of all but 1 tablespoonful fat. Stir in 1 tablespoon flour. Gradually add about 3/4 pint hot stock (e. g. liquid in which vegetables have been cooked) and boil up. Adjust seasoning to taste, strain and serve. Usual accompaniments are mint sauce or redcurrant jelly, roast or creamed potatoes, carrots, cauliflower or peas. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - NOTES : A large roast cooks better and is more economical than a small roast. 4 lb will serve 4 hot portions one day and 4 cold the next. You can omit the seasoning of rosemary and garlic if you wish, but these do add subtle flavour to the meat and gravy and are in no way overpowering.