MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.01 Title: Chili Chicken Categories: Diabetic, Poultry, Main dish, Vegetables, Chili Yield: 4 servings 1 tb Virgin Olive oil; 1 ts Dried hot pepper flakes; 2 cl Garlic; minced 12 oz Chicken breasts; skinned 3 Bell peppers; red green; -And boneless -yellow cut into strips; 3 tb Fresh lemon juice; 2 md Onions, sliced 1/4 ts Salt; 1 ts Cumin; ground 1/2 ts Black pepper; 1 1/2 ts Leaf oregano; 2 tb Fresh parsley; chopped 2 ts Fresh hot chili pepper or In a large non-stick skillet, heat oil, add garlic and cook 1 munute. Add bell strips, sliced onion, cumin, oregano, and chile. Mix, cover, and cook over medium heat 10 minutes. Slice chicken in 1/2" strips and sprinkle with lemon juice. Add vegetables; stir. Cook, covered, medium heat 10 minutes more. Stirring occasionally. Add salt and pepper and garnish with parsley. Serve with "Hash Browns Potatoes" Food Exchange per serving: 3 LOW/FAT MEAT ECHANGES + 1 VEGETABLE EXCHANGE CAL: 174 CHO: 60mg; CAR: 6g; PRO: 23g; SOD: 168mg; FAT: 6g; Source: Light and Easy Diabetes Cuisine by Betty Marks Brought to you and yours via Nancy O'brion and her Meal-Master MMMMM