---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.05 Title: Martha's Vineyard Raspberry Chicken Categories: Main dish, Raspberry, Chicken Yield: 4 Servings Spicy raspberry glaze: 1/2 lb Raspberry jelly or jam 2 oz Chicken broth 1/2 ts Cayenne pepper 2 oz Maple-raspberry vinaigrette -dressing (see -- below) Raspberry chicken: 4 8 oz boneless skinless chick -en breast halves 1/2 c Maple-raspberry vinaigrette -(see below) 4 ts Pine nuts; toasted 1 c Spicy raspberry glaze (see -below) Maple raspberry vinaigrette: 1/2 c Raspberry vinegar (see -below) 1/2 c Olive oil 1/2 c Vegetable oil 1/2 c Maple syrup 2 tb Dijon mustard 2 tb Dried tarragon leaves (or 4 -tablespoons -- fresh) 1 ds Salt to taste Raspberry vinegar: 1 c White vinegar 1 c Red vinegar 1/2 c Fresh or frozen raspberries Recipe by: www.detnews.com 8/22/95 Glaze: Combine all ingredients in saucepan. Bring to a boil, reduce heat, simmer 15 minutes. Cool mixture and hold for use. Chicken: Prepare Maple-Raspberry Dressing, pour vinaigrette evenly over chicken breasts and marinate for 2 hours. Grill chicken breasts. After turning once, brush each breast with 1 ounce of the Spicy Raspberry Glaze and continue to cook. When chicken is done, place on plate and brush each breast with an additional 1 ounce of Spicy Glaze. Top with 1 teaspoon of toasted pine nuts per serving. Maple Raspberry Vinaigrette: Whisk together ingredients in a bowl. Raspberry Vinegar: Combine vinegars with 1/2 cup raspberries. Cover and let sit 48 hours. Strain the vinegar and store at room temperature. >From The Simply Great II Cookbook, by Chuck Muer (Momentum Books, 1995). Here are the recipes for the gourmet meal on wheels that Chef Teri Elwell prepared for free-lance writer Barbara S. Dickson and family. The recipes are Elwell's unless otherwise noted. (From the Detroit News Web Page, www.detnews.com, 8/22/95) -----