* Exported from MasterCook * MOROCCAN CHICKEN (CALIF FIG) Recipe By : Serving Size : 4 Preparation Time :0:00 Categories : Main Dish Poultry Amount Measure Ingredient -- Preparation Method -------- ------------ -------------------------------- 5 Chicken breasts -- boned, skinned 1/2 c California dried figs -- finely chopped 3 tb Chopped almonds 1 tb Honey 1/2 ts Allspice 2 tb Flour 1 tb Sesame seeds 2 tb Butter -----SAUCE----- 8 oz Tomato sauce 1 t Onion 1 t Onion powder 1/4 c Dry white wine 1 tb Honey 1/2 ts Allspice 1/4 ts Salt 1/8 ts Garlic powder -----TO SERVE----- Chopped almonds Sesame seeds Hot, fluffy rice Working one at a time, place chicken breasts between two sheets of waxed paper. Pound with flat side of mallet until about 1/4 inch thick. in a small bowl, combine chopped figs, almonds, honey and allspice; mix well. Place a spoonful of fig mixture in center of each flattened fillet. Roll up; secure with toothpicks. Dip each roll in a mixture of flour and sesame seeds. Brown in butter in an 8 or 9-inch skillet. Remove browned rolls from skillet. Add tomato sauce, onion powder, wine, honey and spices to skillet. Bring to a boil; add chicken breasts; cover and simmer for about 30 minutes. Sprinkle with more chopped almonds and sesame seeds to serve. Serve over fluffy rice. Makes 4 - 5 servings. Source: Wonderful Ways with California Dried Figs Reprinted with the permission of The California Fig Advisory Board Electronic format courtesy of Karen Mintzias Submitted By KAREN MINTZIAS On 10 MAR 15 213725 ~0800 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -