---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.02 Title: CAPITAL CHICKEN SKILLET Categories: Poultry, Low-fat Yield: 4 servings 2 Chicken breasts, boneless 1 tb Oil 8 oz Mushrooms, canned 1 tb Flour 11 oz Cream of mushroom soup 1 c Port wine 1 c Water 1/4 c Dry milk powder 1 ts Salt 1/4 ts Tarragon leaves 1/4 ts Black pepper 15 oz Artichoke hearts 6 Green onions 2 tb Parsley Remove bones, skin, and all fat from chicken; cut into bite-sized pieces. In large skillet, heat oil on medium. Brown chicken on all sides. Drain mushrooms and add to skillet. Stir in flour. Add soup, wine, and water; cook, stirring, about 10 minutes, until sauce thickens. Stir in dry milk, salt, tarragon, and pepper. Drain artichoke hearts. Chop green onions. Mix in artichoke hearts, green onions, and parsley. Heat through and serve over rice. For heartier servings, add frozen green beans or peas after sauce thickens. The original recipe called for 1/2 c cream rather than 1/4 cup dry milk. -----