MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.05 Title: Quick Chicken with Green Chili Sauce Categories: Easy, Tested Yield: 2 Servings 2 lg Boneless chicken breast 1 ts Cajun season (or to taste) I used montreal chicken 1 ea PAM Spray 2 tb Oil (or less) 1 cn Cream of chicken soup -undiluted 1 sm Can chopped green chilis -undrained 1 ts Lemon juice 4 tb Sour cream MMMMM-------------------------SERVE WITH------------------------------ Noodles Or Rice Or Mashed potatoes Pound chicken breasts slightly to have uniform thickness. Do as much or as little as you want - this will determine cooking time. In small bowl, combine soup, chilies and lemon juice. Set aside. Sprinkle first side with spices. Spray fry pan with PAM, heat and then add a small amount of oil. Heat to medium high, place spiced side of chicken down in pan - then sprinkle spice on second side. Brown each side of the chicken - pour soup mixture into pan around chicken - leaving some of the chicken not covered with sauce . Bring mixture to a boil, then reduce heat, cover and simmer chicken for about 8 to 10 minutes. Remove chicken to platter. Stir in the sour cream - combine well. Serve sauce in separate bowl to spoon over chicken and noodles. Tested 4/21/2010. Very nice - will do again. Can change taste by using different spices - Mexican blend or cajun spice would be good as well as the Montreal Chicken that I used. You can control the heat level by the amount of spice you sprinkle on the chicken breasts. Variation of recipe from Taste of Home Simple/Delicious May 2010. MMMMM