MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06 Title: Breasts of Quail Stuffed with Rose Petals and Goose Liver Categories: Quail, Goose, Offal, Wine, Yield: 8 Servings 8 Quails Salt, pepper 8 oz Red wine 1 tb Honey 1 lg Potato; in matchsticks Oil for frying Mirepoix: 1 sm Onion 1 cl Garlic 1 sm Carrot 1 Celeriac piece 1 Leek; green part only 1 Tomato 2 tb Flour 16 oz Red wine 3 1/2 oz Brandy Thyme 2 tb Green tea leaves 7 oz Goose foie gras 24 Rose petals 4 Pig's caul Salt, pepper Green rose leaves To prepare the quails: Separate the breasts, retaining as much skin as possible, from the bone and spread them out flat (skin side down). Salt and pepper. Cut off the legs of the quails, cook them in 8 oz red wine and the honey for 5 minutes and set aside. Frying: Fry the potato sticks in oil until crisp and keep warm. For the sauce: Fry the carcasses of the quails with the coarsely cubed mirepoix in the hot olive oil. Dredge with flour and add the red wine and brandy. Add a little water, thyme and green tea leaves and cook on a low heat for 2 hours. Season with salt and pepper and pass the sauce through a fine sieve. Cut the foie gras into 4 slices. Wrap these in the rose petals and lay the slices on 4 breasts. Cover each with an unstuffed breast and wrap these balls of meat in the pig cauls. Roast in a roasting pan with oil in a hot oven for 10-15 minutes, basting occasionally with hot pan juice. To serve: Arrange the quail breasts on plates, pour the sauce over, decorate with the cooked legs, potato fried in oil, and green rose leaves. -- adapted From: Michael Loo Date: 25 Jul 97 MMMMM