* Exported from MasterCook * SMOKED CHICKEN HENS Recipe By : Serving Size : 1 Preparation Time :0:00 Categories : Poultry Amount Measure Ingredient -- Preparation Method -------- ------------ -------------------------------- 2 Baking hens ---stuffing--- 1 c Green onions, chopped 1/2 c Parsley, chopped Dried bread or old toast 2 tb Louisiana hot sauce 8 Drops peychaud's bitters 1 c Water Smoked sausage, sliced Smoked or fresh oysters, opt -ional Italian sausage, sliced 1/2 c Bell peppers, chopped 1/2 c Celery, chopped 4 Eggs, beaten 1 tb Worcestershire sauce 2 c White wine, dry 1/2 ts Dried mint, crushed ---water container seasoning -s--- 1 c White wine, dry 1 Garlic clove, whole 1 t Dried mint, crushed 2 tb Worcestershire sauce 1 Onion, whole, peeled 1 tb Liquid smoke 6 Drops peychaud's bitters STUFFING: Mix dressing with vegetables, bread, eggs, seasonings, and wine. Make 1/2 with smoked sausage and 1/2 with Italian sausage. Stuff the hens full. WATER PAN: Put smoker ingredients in the water pan. SMOKING: Light charcoal and let it burn down. Put soaked wood chips on briquets. Place water pan in smoker and fill with water. Put hens on rack and smoke about 5 hours. Formatted for Compu-Chef v2.01 by Jess Poling > Submitted By WCRAFT@IX.NETCOM.COM (WILLIAM CRAFT) On 06-22-95; 0609 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -