---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.02 Title: QUICK TURKEY CURRY Categories: Poultry Yield: 4 servings 3 tb Butter 1 Onion; chopped medium 1 Apple; medium tart -cored & chopped 2 Garlic cloves; minced 2 tb Curry powder 2 tb Flour; all purpose 1 1/2 c Turkey or chicken stock 3 c Turkey; cooked -cut in 1 " cubes 1/2 c Yogurt; plain 1 Banana; medium -cut in 1/2" slices 1/2 c Almonds; slivered & toasted Melt butter in large skillet. Add onion, garlic, cook over moderate heat, about 3 minutes, stirring often, till softened. Sprinkle with curry powder; stir 15 seconds. Sprinkle with flour, cook, stirring, 1 minute. Stir in broth, bring to a simmer. Reduce heat, cook 5 minutes. Stir in cooked turkey or chicken, cook till heated through about 2 minutes. Stir in yogurt and banana, cook till heated through, about 30 seconds. Do not boil. Transfer to serving dish, sprinkle with almonds. Serve immediately. -----