MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.05 Title: Turkey Breast FROZEN Categories: Defrosted, Frozen, Tested Yield: 1 Turkey Place turkey breast in shallow roasting pan. Place one inch of water in the bottom of the pan to help keep turkey moist. Brush turkey breast lightly with oil and cover liberally with your favorite herbs, spices or seasonings. Make a tent out of aluminum foil and place this over the turkey breast to hold in heat for even cooking. Remove the foil during the last hour and a half of cooking for a nice golden brown color. CHECK THE WATER LEVEL periodically and add more water if needed. This juice and herb infused mixture can be used to make a nice turkey gravy after the turkey is done. If water level gets too low, pan drippings will burn and will not be suitable for gravy. Cook in preheated 325 to 350 F oven. FULLY DEFROSTED TURKEY BREAST: 2 to 3 pounds - 1.5 to 2 hours 4 to 6 pounds - 2.5 to 3 hours 7 to 8 pounds - 3 to 4 hours. FROZEN TURKEY BREAST Follow directions shown above - using conventional oven 2 - 3 pounds - 3 to 4 hours 4 - 6 pounds - 5 to 6 hours 7 - 8 pounds - 6 to 8 hours Using convection oven will reduce cooking times by about 25 percent. To be safe, use food thermometer. Should read about 165 - 170 F. Tested 10/09 Roasted 7.65 still frozen turkey breast in Convection Oven - 350 degrees F. Done to 180 F in 4 hours. Needed to check water level - my drippings were too dark to use. Next time set Convection oven at 325 F. This experiment provided a tender, juicy turkey - the skin was golden brown and crisp. Good to know that one can use a frozen Turkey breast without defrosting. Directions from MMMMM