MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.05 Title: Turkey Saltimbocca Categories: Poultry Yield: 4 servings 2 tb Unsalted butter 2 Turkey cutlets; 3/8" thick 4 sl Prosciutto; folded in half -or 2 thin slices of boiled -ham, halved 4 sl Muenster cheese 8 Sage leaves, fresh, juliennd MMMMM----------------HUTRITIONAL INFORMATION/SERV--------------------- x 128 calories x 8 g fat x 0 carbohydrate x 11 g fat x 40 mg cholesterol x 295 mg sodium In large skillet, melt butter over medium-high heat. Sprinkle cutlets with 1/8 t pepper; add to hot butter, pepper side down. Cook 1 minute. Turn over; top with prosciutto, cheese and sage. Cover cook 1 minute or until cheese melts. From: McCall's August 1993 Happy Charring LAWRENCE KELLIE MMMMM