MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06 Title: Fiesta Turkey in Mole Sauce Categories: Mexican, Turkey, Sauces, Chocolate, Fruit Yield: 8 Servings 10 lb Turkey; up to 12 lb, - disjointed 1/4 c Cooking oil 1 ts Salt Water Mole Sauce: 6 Dried Ancho chilies Water; boiling 2 ts Oil 1 md Onion; chopped 2 cl Garlic; minced 1/2 ts Chilies; crushed 1 c Canned Italian plum - tomatoes; chopped 3/4 ts Ground cinnamon 1/2 ts Ground cloves 1/4 ts Ground coriander 1/4 ts Anise 1/4 ts Cumin 1 Dry tortilla; cut into - pieces 1/4 c Sesame seeds 1/4 c Raisins 2 c Chicken broth 2 oz Semisweet chocolate; - grated Wash turkey; pat dry. Heat oil in Dutch oven; brown turkey well on all sides, adding more oil if necessary to keep turkey from sticking. Add salt and enough water to cover. Bring to a boil. Cover; reduce heat to low. Cook 1 hour or until tender. Set aside. Meanwhile, prepare sauce. Stem and seed red chilies under cold running water. Tear chilies into pieces; soak in boiling water to cover for 30 minutes. Drain; reserve 1/4 cup soaking liquid. Heat oil in skillet. Saute onion and garlic until limp. In blender jar combine Ancho chilies, reserved liquid, onion, garlic, crushed chilies, tomatoes, and spices; puree until smooth. Add tortilla, sesame seeds, and raisins; puree, scraping blender container frequently. Heat skillet in which onion was cooked over moderate heat for several minutes. Pour puree into skillet; add chicken broth, stirring well. Simmer for 10 minutes. Remove from heat and add chocolate. Stir until chocolate melts. Drain broth from turkey. Pour sauce over turkey; heat through. Serve turkey garnished with sesame seeds. Note: The turkey could be roasted unstuffed, sliced, and served with mole sauce if you prefer. Mole sauce is a long and complicated business. It is available in Latin American grocery stores and specialty stores canned and as a powder. It is reconstituted with broth before serving. Chicken and pork are also served with this sauce. Recipe from: Mexican Cooking, June 1986 From: Bill Swisher Date: 10-04-09 MMMMM