* Exported from MasterCook * Turkey In Chocolate And Chili Sauce Recipe By : The Zen of Cooking by Lucille Naimer ISBN: 0-87951-594-5 Serving Size : 1 Preparation Time :0:00 Categories : The Zen Of Cooking Chicken And Poultry Amount Measure Ingredient -- Preparation Method -------- ------------ -------------------------------- 7 1/2 Pounds Turkey 3 Medium Bay Leaves 1 Tablespoon Rosemary 1/2 Cup Hot Salsa 3/4 Cup Slivered Almonds 4 Cups Chicken Stock -- At Room Temperature 1 Cup Chopped Scallions 3 Medium Tomatoes -- Peel, Seed And Chop Or 1 Cup Canned Italian Plum Tomatoes 1/2 Cup Currants 2 Tablespoons Pumpkin Seeds, Roasted 1 Tablespoon Garlic -- Finely Chopped 1/2 Teaspoon Ground Cinnamon 1/2 Teaspoon Ground Cloves 1/2 Teaspoon Ground Coriander 1/2 Teaspoon Anise Seed -- Ground 1 Teaspoon Salt 1/4 Teaspoon Fresh Ground Pepper 6 Tablespoons Olive Oil 2 Ounces Unsweetened Chocolate 2 Tablespoons Sesame Seeds Place turkey, bay leaves and rosemary in a large stock pot. Cover with water. Bring to a boil. Reduce heat to low and simmer for one hour. Turkey will be almost cooked. Set aside. Chocolate Sauce (Mole Sauce): Place the salsa, almonds, two cups of chicken stock, scallions, tomatoes, currants, pumpkins seeds, garlic, cinnamon, cloves, coriander, anise, salt and pepper in a blender. Puree on high speed. Heat two tablespoonsof olive oil in a heavy skillet. Pour in the puree and simmer stirring constantly for three minutes. Add two cups of chicken stock and melt in the chocolate. Stir. Cover and set aside. Remove the turkey from the stock pot and pat dry with paper towels. Cut into eight pieces. Heat 4 tablespoons of olive oil in a heavy 12-inch skillet. Brown the turkey pieces. Drain the fat. Pour the chocolate sauce over the turkey. Cook 30 minutes turning the pieces now and then. To serve place on heated platter and sprinkle with two tablespoons of sesame seeds. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -