MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06 Title: Spicy Turkey Stir-Fry With Noodles Categories: Pasta, Vegetables, Poultry, Greens, Chilies Yield: 2 servings 2 oz Thick rice noodles 1/2 lb Lean ground turkey 1 sm Onion; chopped 1/2 c Red cabbage; shredded 1/2 c Fresh kale; chopped 1/4 c Fresh parsley sprigs; - chopped, packed 1 ts Coconut or olive oil 1/2 ts Pepper 1/4 ts Salt 3 Green onions; thin sliced 1 Jalapeno pepper; stemmed, - sliced 2 ts Sriracha chile sauce Thai peanut sauce (optional) Cook noodles according to package directions. Meanwhile, in a large skillet, cook turkey, onion, cabbage, and kale over medium-high heat until turkey is no longer pink and vegetables are tender, 8-10 minutes, breaking turkey into crumbles. Drain noodles; add to skillet. Stir in parsley, coconut oil, pepper, and salt. Serve with green onions, jalapeno, chili sauce and, if desired, peanut sauce. Recipe by Jermell Clark, Desert Hot Springs, California RECIPE FROM: Uncle Dirty Dave's Archives MMMMM