---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.03 Title: Carrot bundle fish Categories: Seafood Yield: 4 servings 4 md Carrots; in strips 1 c Italian bread crumbs 1/3 c Butter; melted 1/2 ts Salt 1/4 ts Pepper 2 tb Lemon juice 1 lb Sole or orange roughy Heat oven 375 F. Add carrots and enough water to cover in saucepan. Bring to full boil & cook over medium heat until carrots are crispy tender (6-8 minutes). Meanwhile, in small bowl combine all ingredients except fish; set aside. When carrots are done, separate fish fillets & divide carrots equally among fillets. Wrap each fillets around each portion of carrots. Place fillets, seam down, in 9x9" baking pan (slightly sprayed with grease). Sprinkle fish bundles with stuffing mixture. Cover and bake for 10 minutes. Uncover; continue baking for 8-10 more minutes or until fish flakes with fork. The "Great Catch of the Week" recipe from LandOLakes Country Recipes -----