---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.02 Title: PASTA PRIMAVERA (KRUPPA) Categories: Pasta, Vegetables Yield: 6 servings 1 lb Fettucini 1/4 c Oil; olive 2 Garlic cloves; chopped 1/2 ts Oregano 1/2 ts Basil 1 c Broccoli florets 1 c Cauliflower florets 1 c Artichoke hearts 1 c Asparagus spears; cut in 1" 1 c Green peppers; chopped 1 c Cherry tomatoes; halved 1/2 c Parmesan cheese Cook fettucini in boiling salted water until al dente. As pasta cooks, heat olive oil in large skillet and saute garlic for 2-3 min. Add herbs and vegetables and saute quickly over high heat until vegetables are tender but crisp. Toss drained pasta with vegetables. Sprinkle with Parmesan cheese. Per Serving: Cholesterol (mg): 2 Fat (grams): total 12; saturated 0 Exchanges: bread/starch 3; vegetable 2; fat 2; other 0 Calories: 366 From: "The Love Your Heart (Low Cholesterol) Cookbook" by Carole Kruppa. Courtesy of Theresa Merkling from R-Cuisine conference -----