MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06 Title: Mushroom Ravioli with Tomato-Basil Cream Sauce Categories: Appetizers, Vegetables, Salsa/sauce Yield: 8 Servings MMMMM----------------------MUSHROOM RAVIOLI--------------------------- 2 c Portabella mushrooms; minced -fairly fine 2 c Crimini or Oyster mushrooms; -minced fairly fine -OR- 4 c Mushrooms; minced, any combo -of wild or other shrooms 2 tb Basil; fresh chopped, divide 2 tb Sesame oil 2 Shallots; finely minced 2 cl Garlic; finely minced 1/4 c Wine 1/2 c Parmesan; fresh grated Egg pasta dough MMMMM------------------TOMATO-BASIL CREAM SAUCE----------------------- 1/4 c Sundried tomatoes; soaked in -hot water or wine at least -2 hours before use or over- -night in fridge. 1 c Tomato concasse * 2 tb Basil; fresh chopped 1/2 c Olive oil 1/4 c Orange juice 1/4 c Heavy cream "I made this dish as an appetizer. It was my first time making ravioli and I learned the hard way not to use wonton wrappers. They're too thin. Use any egg pasta dough rolled out to 1/4" or less but not too thin as they could break in cooking and you'll lose your stuffing to the water... That's what happened to me! " MUSHROOM RAVIOLI: Saute shallots until clear, add garlic, mushrooms and 1 tb basil. Saute until mushrooms lose most of their water and keep stirring to evaporate juices... about 5 minutes total. When mushrooms are about 1/2 the volume they were add wine and cook down another few minutes. Remove from pan and allow to cool. Before using, squeeze out excess moisture which can be added to sauce. Toss with parmesan and the remaining fresh basil. Use a plain egg pasta dough rolled out to 1/4" or less. Not too thin though. Make rather large ravioli to serve as appetizer, making 2 to a plate. Boil immediately for 4-5 minutes or allow to dry before using. TIP: Allow mushroom mixture to cool completely before stuffing ravioli. TOMATO-BASIL CREAM SAUCE: * Tomato Concasse is peeled, seeded and chopped tomatoes. However, you can use the scooped out centers left over from my Avocado & Mozzarella Cheese Stuffed Tomatoes. In a saucepan, heat tomato concasse with reconstituted sundried tomatoes. Cook until a thick liquid is formed. Process in food processor or blender and strain. Return to food processor and add oil, orange juice, basil and then cream until desired color is reached. Not too much cream, of course. Serve immediately with ravioli above. Source: .\\ichele Cooks! 1994 Submitted By LAWRENCE KELLIE On 03-17-95 MMMMM