---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.02 Title: MEDITERRANEAN PASTA (WOMAN'S DAY PASTA COOKBOOK) Categories: Pasta, Chicken, Breakfast, Vegetables, Condiments Yield: 4 servings 8 oz Vermicelli or thin spaghetti 2 Boneless, skinless, chicken Breast halves, cut into 1/2- By 1-1/2-inch strips Salt Ground pepper 4 Bacon slices, diced 1 cn (14-1/2-oz.) pasta-style Chunky tomatoes 1 cn (15-oz.) tomato sauce 1/2 ts Dried rosemary leaves, Crushed 1 pk (9-oz.) frozen artichoke Hearts, thawed 1/2 c Ripe pitted olives, sliced Lengthwise Crumbled feta cheese, Optional Chopped parsley, optional Cook pasta according to package directions; drain and keep warm. Season chicken with salt and pepper to taste. In medium-sized skillet over medium-high heat, cook bacon 5 minutes or until almost crisp; add chicken. Cook chicken 5 minutes or until browned on all sides, stirring often; drain. Stir in tomatoes, tomato sauce and rosemary; reduce heat to medium. Cook, uncovered, 15 minutes, stirring occasionally. Add artichoke hearts and olives; heat through. Just before serving, spoon sauce over hot pasta. Garnish with feta cheese and chopped parsley. PER SERVING: About 419 cal, 35 g pro, 47 g car, 11g fat, 23% cal from fat, 71 mg chol, 940 mg sod. NOTE: To prepare pasta ahead, cook, rinse well and drain. Cover and refrigerate. To reheat before serving, dip pasta into boiling water for no longer than 1 minute or sprinkle with water and heat in microwave on High for about 1-1/2 minutes. SOURCE: "Woman's Day Pasta Cookbook" -----