---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.01 Title: Lasagna Categories: Pasta, Ground beef, Italian, Beef Yield: 8 servings 2 tb Oil 1/2 lb Mushrooms 2 ea Slices chopped bacon 1/2 c Water 2 ea Cloves crushed garlic 2 ts Salt 1 ea Chopped onion 1/4 ts Pepper 1 1/2 lb Lean ground beef 1/2 lb Mozzarella cheese 1/2 lb Chopped salami 2 ea Beaten eggs 1/2 ts Sweet basil 1/2 c Grated Parmesan cheese 1 tb Chopped parsley 1/2 lb Cooked lasagna noodles 2 ea 5 1/2 oz cn tomato paste 8 oz Cottage cheese 2 c Canned tomatoes Saute bacon, crushed garlic, and onion in hot oil for 5 min. Remove the garlic. Add ground beef, salami, basil, and parsley. Brown well. Add tomato paste, tomatoes, mushrooms, and water. Simmer uncovered for 1 hour or until very thick. Season to taste with salt and pepper. Preheat oven to 375F. Butter a 12x9 inch casserole or lasagna dish. Grate mozzarella. Combine cottage cheese, egg and Parmesan cheese. Pour a layer of tomato sauce in the bottom of dish. Cover with a layer of noodles and a layer of the cheese /egg mixture, sprinkle with mozzarella. Repeat, ending with sauce and a layer of mozzarella. Bake for 30 min. Note: The flavor improves when lasagna is prepared a day in advance and refrigerated until time for baking. -----