MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.05 Title: Mac & Cheese & Tomato Categories: Yield: 1 Batch 1 pk Elbow Macaroni 2 tb Butter 2 tb Flour 1 lb Velveeta Cheese cubed 1 cn Stewed tomatoes 14.5 oz. 2 sl Stale bread cubed 2 c Milk Cook macaroni and cool in colander, with very little rinsing. Make a Rue in double boiler, Whisk butter and flour into 2 cups of milk until thick. Add the cubed Velveeta until melted. If the mixture is too thick, thin it with more milk. Put macaroni in a large casserole and cover with the cheese sauce. Add the can of tomatoes and mix. Cover entire casserole with the bread cubes. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Bake for 45 minutes to an hour, until bubbling around the edges. Recipe by Peg Hanson Newark, NY. MMd by Burt Ford & U/L to NCE 8/05. MMMMM