MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06 Title: Spaghetti Alla Puttanesca Categories: Pasta, Italian, Chicken Yield: 2 Servings 4 oz Thin spaghetti 2 tb Olive oil 2 cl Garlic; chopped Pitted gaeta olives 1 pn Salt; pepper and oregano 1 ts Chopped parsley 4 oz Chicken broth Fresh basil leaves for Garnish Boil water for pasta. Cook spaghetti for 4 minutes until al dente while making the sauce. The sauce for this recipe is to be cooked quickly over a high flame. First, put olive oil in a pan and brown the garlic. After the garlic has browned, add olives, salt, pepper, oregano, parsley and chicken broth. Stir spaghetti while sauce simmers. Once spaghetti has cooked, drain, return to the pot and stir in some sauce. Put spaghetti on a plate and top with the rest of the sauce. Garnish with fresh basil. (Recipe courtesy of Ennio and Michael restaurant) Recipe by: TVFN:BILL BOGGS CORNER TABLE SHOW From: Shermeyer-Gail MMMMM