MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06 Title: BLT Skillet Categories: Pasta, Pork, Vegetables, Cheese, Herbs Yield: 2 servings 4 oz Uncooked whole wheat - linguine 4 sl Bacon; in 1 1/2" pieces 1 Plum tomato; in 1" pieces 1 cl Garlic; minced 1 1/2 ts Lemon juice 1/4 ts (ea) salt & pepper 2 tb Grated Parmesan cheese 1 tb Minced fresh parsley Cook linguine according to package directions. Meanwhile, in a large skillet, cook bacon over medium heat until crisp. Remove to paper towels; drain, reserving 1 teaspoon drippings. In the drippings, saute tomato and garlic for 1-2 minutes or until heated through. Stir in the bacon, lemon juice, salt and pepper. Drain linguine; add to the skillet. Sprinkle with cheese and parsley; toss to coat. Recipe by Edrie O'Brien, Denver, Colorado RECIPE FROM: Uncle Dirty Dave's Archives MMMMM