MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06 Title: Penne w/Veggies & Black Beans Categories: Pasta, Squash, Vegetables, Mushrooms, Cheese Yield: 2 servings 3/4 c Uncooked penne pasta 1/3 c Zucchini; sliced 1/3 c Fresh carrot; sliced 4 md Fresh mushrooms; sliced 1/2 sm Bell pepper; thin sliced 1/2 sm Onion; thin sliced 1 cl Garlic; minced 1/4 ts Dried basil 1/4 ts Oregano 1/4 ts Thyme 1/4 ts Salt 1/8 ts Pepper 2 ts Olive oil; divided 1 c Canned black beans; rinsed, - drained 1/4 c Tomato; chopped, seeded 2 tb Parmesan cheese; shredded 2 ts Fresh parsley; minced Cook pasta according to package directions. Meanwhile, in a large nonstick skillet, saute the zucchini, carrot, mushrooms, green pepper, onion, garlic and seasonings in 1 teaspoon oil until crisp-tender. Stir in the beans. Drain pasta; add to vegetable mixture. Add tomato and remaining olive oil; toss gently. Sprinkle with Parmesan cheese and parsley. Recipe by Vickie Spoerle, Indianapolis, Indiana RECIPE FROM: Uncle Dirty Dave's Archives MMMMM