MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.05 Title: Lowfat Pasta Stir-"Fry" Categories: Pasta Yield: 4 Servings 1 Green bell pepper; sliced 1 Red bell pepper; sliced 1 bn Scallions; chopped 8 oz Mushrooms; sliced 8 oz Snow peas; topped and -tailed 4 oz Water 3 tb Vinegar 1 tb Sugar; optional 2 tb Soy sauce 2 ts Pepper 8 oz Spinach; rinsed well and -drained 12 oz Linguine 2 ts Toasted sesame seeds -(optional) Briefly steam peppers, scallions, mushrooms, and snow peas in the water. Add vinegar, [soy sauce,] sugar, and pepper. Add spinach and cook until wilted. Cook pasta until done al dente; drain. Toss vegetables with pasta and sesame seeds. From: Michael Loo Date: 03-18-96 MMMMM