MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06 Title: Vegan Mac-N-Cheese Categories: Pasta, Vegetarian Yield: 4 Servings 12 oz Elbow macaroni or other -small pasta noodles MMMMM------------------------CHEESE SAUCE----------------------------- 2 c Raw cashews 2 c Water 3 tb Lemon juice 1/4 c Nutritional yeast 1/4 ts Turmeric 1 ts Garlic powder 1/2 ts Onion powder 1/2 ts Black pepper 1 1/2 ts Salt 7 oz Vegan cheddar cheese; -shredded MMMMM---------------------BREADCRUMB TOPPING-------------------------- 4 tb Vegan butter; melted 1 1/2 c Panko breadcrumbs 1/4 ts Smoked paprika 1/2 ts Garlic powder 1/2 ts Onion powder Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Cook the pasta as usual. Drain the pasta water into the cashews and soak them for 5 minutes. (Pour the pasta itself into a casserole dish and stir occasionally while the cashews are soaking, to keep the noodles from clumping together.) Drain the cashews and add to a blender. Add the other cheese sauce ingredients to the blender. Blend until smooth. Pour the cheese sauce in with the noodles. Stir until the noodles are well-coated. In a separate bowl, stir together the breadcrumbs, paprika, onion powder, and garlic powder. Mix in the melted butter until the mixture has a crumbly texture. Sprinkle over the pasta. Bake uncovered for 15 minutes. Notes: * If you don't have the time or energy to bake the pasta, you can also just mix the cheese sauce in with the noodles and serve that way. * You can make the cheese sauce ahead of time and freeze it. Recipe FROM: MMMMM