MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06 Title: Sardine Pasta Puttanesca Categories: Pasta, Seafood, Vegetables, Chilies, Herbs Yield: 4 servings Salt 1 lb Long pasta 3 tb Extra-virgin olive oil 9 oz Sardines packed in olive - oil; not drained 4 Anchovy fillets 6 cl Garlic; smashed then - chopped Red-pepper flakes 2 pt Cherry tomatoes (4 c) 3/4 c Pitted black olives; very - roughly chopped 1/4 c Capers; drained 1 sm Handful parsley sprigs; fine - chopped Bring a high-sided skillet or medium pot of water to a boil and season with salt. Add pasta and cook, stirring occasionally, until floppy but still quite raw in the center (about 4 minutes shy of the cook time suggested on the package). Drain pasta, reserving 4 cups of the cooking liquid. When the pasta is nearly cooked, heat a medium Dutch oven over medium-low. Add the olive oil, the oil from the sardines, the anchovies and garlic. Cook, stirring frequently, until the garlic is just beginning to turn golden and the anchovies have broken down, about 3 minutes. Add red-pepper flakes and cook, stirring frequently, until aromatic, about 30 seconds. Add the tomatoes and 2 cups of the reserved pasta cooking liquid and increase heat to medium. Bring to a simmer and cook until the tomatoes are warmed through and slightly softened, 4 to 6 minutes. Use a wooden spoon or potato masher to roughly smash each one. Continue simmering until the tomato juices have slightly thickened into a sauce, about 5 minutes. Add the drained pasta and cook, stirring vigorously, until the sauce coats the noodles and the pasta has cooked to your desired final texture, adding more pasta cooking liquid as needed, about 2 minutes. Add the sardines, olives, capers and parsley, stirring to evenly distribute and break up the sardines. Divide among plates and serve right away. TIP: The size of sardine cans typically ranges from 4 to 4-1/2 oz. You don't have to be super precise in this recipe, so buy any can that falls somewhere within that size range. This recipe works with both whole sardines and boneless, skinless fillets. Recipe by Sohla El-Waylly RECIPE FROM: Uncle Dirty Dave's Archives MMMMM