MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.05 Title: Michael Loo's Fettucine Secunda Vera Categories: Pasta Yield: 3 Servings 4 oz Frozen peas 1 Red green pepper (that's -what George Lang calls -'em); diced 1 md Carrot; sliced thin 1 sm Onion; diced (1/2 c) 2 cl Garlic; peeled and -lightly mashed Butter 1 c Heavy cream 1/2 lb Ricotta 1 Packet G. Washington's -seasoning and broth mix 4 oz Each dry red and green -fettucine or the -equivalent in fresh Fresh ground pepper Parmesan; to taste Steam the carrot until it loses its hardness but not its crunch (1 minute?) (alternatively, you may do the carrot with the garlic in the butter). Fry the garlic and the red bell pepper lightly in the butter. Remove them and either discard the garlic (if you're a sissy) or mash it into a paste. Add the onion and the carrot to the butter; cook, stirring, until the onion is translucent; then add the peas. When the peas are warm, remove the vegetables and set them beside (not on) the red pepper. Put the flame under the butter to high and pour in the cream. Reduce the cream by 1/2, mix in the G. Washington's, and then beat in the ricotta. Meanwhile, you've cooked the pasta, right? and it's ready to be drained. Dump the pasta into a colander and all the vegetables (including the garlic if you like) into the sauce mixture. When the sauce is hot and starts to blop thickly, everything is ready: serve the sauce over the pasta with great scads of cheese and black pepper on the side. Also very, very good (but spoiling the color scheme) is sauteed green cabbage slivers added to the veggies in this dish. Happy holidays to all. From: Jeffrey Dean Date: Sat, 12-0 Source: Michael Loo, The Dinner Table Funny thing is that this is my recipe, and whether Jeffrey Dean MMed it or what I don't know. - M MMMMM