MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06 Title: Good Neighbor Szechuan Noodles Categories: Chinese, Noodles, Chilies, Chicken Yield: 6 Servings 1 lb Asian noodles 3 tb Tamari 1 tb Vinegar 2 ts Chili paste with garlic 2 tb Tahini 1 tb Toasted sesame oil 1/2 c Chicken broth 2 tb Oil (peanut or canola) 1/2 lb Fresh mung bean sprouts 6 oz Fresh spinach, rough chopped Cook noodles; drain and cool. Combine tamari, vinegar, chili paste, tahini, sesame oil and broth; set aside. Heat 2 tb oil in wok. Add noodles; toss until warm and browning. Add bean sprouts and spinach; mix. Add sauce mixture; toss. Serve while hot. Recipe by: Good Neighbor Foods Co-op Cafe, Louisville, KY Source: Alice Colombo's Cook's Corner", The Louisville Courier-Journal Posted by Cathy Harned. MMMMM