---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.02 Title: Lowfat Fettuccine Alfredo Categories: Low-cal, Italian, Pasta Yield: 1 servings 1 lb Fettuccine 1/2 c Nonfat cottage cheese 1/2 c Evaporated skim milk 1/2 ts Arrowroot or rice flour Salt Pepper 1 ts Garlic powder (optional) 1 ts Onion powder (optional) 2 ts Parsley; minced Parmesan cheese; grated, - as garnish Cook fettuccine and drain. Meanwhile, combine cottage cheese, skim milk, arrowroot, salt, pepper, garlic, and onion powders if desired, in a blender. Puree until smooth. Transfer mixture to a heavy skillet or saucepan, add parsley and warm over medium-low heat for 10 minutes. Do not let sauce boil. Remove from heat and pour over hot, drained noodles. Sprinkle with parmesan. Variations: Use tomato or spinach fettuccine, and garnish with sun-dried tomatoes and chopped fresh basil. Or lightly steam 1 cup broccoli florets for 3 to 4 minutes, until tender-crisp. Toss with sauce and hot pasta. Or saute 3/4 cup sliced mushrooms in 2 tb red wine. Toss with sauce and hot pasta. Per serving: 452 cal; 19 g prot; 5 g fat; 80 g carbs; 104 mg chol; 424 mg sod; 0.4 g fiber. From Vegetarian Times Magazine MM by Kat * Origin: "LaRK's" Kitchen (1:343/26.3) -----