---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.02 Title: LASAGNA, NANCY SCHWARTZ Categories: Italian, Pasta Yield: 12 servings 1/2 lb Lasagna Noodles, cooked -------------------MOIST CHEESE MIXTURE------------------- 8 oz Sour cream 16 oz Cottage Cheese 16 oz Cheese, Ricotta --------------------DRY CHEESE MIXTURE-------------------- 18 oz Cheese, Mozzarella, grated 4 oz Cheese, Cheddar, grated ---------------------------SAUCE--------------------------- 24 oz Ragu, plain Put just a coating of the Ragu sauce on the bottom of a 9x13 pan. Mix the two cheese mixtures, keeping distinct from each other. Layer in the pan 3 cooked lasagna noodles, 1/2 moist cheese mixture, 1/3 dry cheese mixture, 1/3 sauce. Repeat starting with the lasagna noodles. For the third layer, use 3 noodles, last of sauce and last of dry cheese. Cover and bake at 350- for 1 1/2 hours. Remove cover for the last 15 minutes if desired. Remove from oven and let sit for about 15 minutes before serving. The "LaRK" ~-- EZPoint V2.2 * Origin: "LaRK's" Place (1:343/26.3) ======================================================= =================== BBS: High Country East Date: 03-21-93 (16:31) Number: 5966 From: MATT ROSEN Refer#: NONE To: WESLEY PITTS Recvd: NO Subj: BRAISED LEEKS *CR Conf: (52) CookingEch -----