---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.02 Title: LAZY LASAGNA Categories: Pasta, Main dish Yield: 6 servings 1 1/2 lb Hamburger 6 oz Can tomato paste 1 tb Oil 2 ea Eggs 1/3 c Parmesan cheese 2 ea 1-lb. cans spaghetti sauce 1 tb Basil 1 ea Large carton cottage cheese 1 ts Salt 1 ea Box lasagna noodles MEAT SAUCE: Brown meat, add 2 cans spaghetti sauce, tomato paste, 6oz. water and basil. Simmer 15 minutes. Cook lasagna noodles. Drain and toss with 1 tbsp. oil. Line bottom of pan with noodles. CHEESE MIX: Combine cottage cheese (3 cups), 2 eggs and parmesan cheese. Spread layers of 1/2 meat sauce, cover with noodles, top with cheese mix, add remaining meat sauce , cover with shredded mozzarella cheese. It is now ready to serve. -----