---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.01 Title: Kasespatzle (Spaetzle Cheese Noodles) Categories: German, Breads, Cheese/eggs, Pasta Yield: 4 servings 3 tb Butter Or Margarine 1 ts Dry Mustard 3 ea Onions;Sliced In Small Rings 2 c Spaetzle Noodles 3 oz Emmenthaler Cheese; Grated 2 tb Chives; Chopped Heat butter in frypan, add onions, and brown lightly. Toss cheese with dry mustard. Add cooked noodles to cooked onions and cheese; mix well. Place mixture in an ovenproof casserole. Bake at 300 degrees F. for 20 to 30 minutes or until hot and bubbly. Sprinkle top with chopped chives before serving. -----