MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06 Title: More on Maple Seeds Categories: Wild, Info, Nuts Yield: 1 info file Maple seeds Soak then roast works. Indians sprouted them for a delicacy. Dani Tippmann wrote: > We used them fresh as a pot herb. > we have also dried them and rehydrated them, again using the maple > seeds as a pot herb. Never had any bitterness in them. We did > harvest right after a big storm, lots of water available to them and > they were very fresh too. Maybe that made the difference. From: Steve Brill > I've tasted them and they were bitter and astringent, reminding me > of unprocessed acorns, and possibly containing tannin. I'd guess you > could try boiling them to get rid of the tannin Posted by: Pam >>> I know maple seeds are edible but has anyone dried them? grind >>> them and use like flour From: Greendeane To: Forageahead MMMMM