MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06 Title: Breakfast On The Road Categories: Camping, Hints Yield: 1 Breakfast MMMMM-----------------------FRUITY CHOICES---------------------------- Grapes Bananas Raisins Melons Apples Oranges Strawberries Pineapples Blueberries Grapefruit Pears Peaches MMMMM----------------------CRUNCHY CHOICES--------------------------- Grapenuts Honey Shredded wheat Cinnamon Wheat germ Walnuts Peanuts Sunflower seeds Cashews Sesame seeds MMMMM-----------------------CREAMY CHOICES---------------------------- Cottage cheese Plain yogurt Milk Often when I feel like hitting the road early and don't want to bother with cooking breakfast, I'll ride a few miles until I discover a grocery store where I can purchase a variety of cold treats such as: fruit, cereal, or nuts topped with yogurt, milk, or cottage cheese. Although in the early morning my growling stomach is at the mercy of the country grocer's often limited supply, I try to be inventive with the food at hand. Occasionally, however, I am pleasantly surprised to find fresh muffins or hot coffee at the check-out counter to add some warmth to my simple breakfast affair. Recipe by Cycle Food by Lauren Hefferon MMMMM