MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06 Title: Gorp (Good Old Raisins & Peanuts) Categories: Camping, Snacks Yield: 1 Batch MMMMM-----------------------TROPICAL FRUIT---------------------------- Dried apples Banana chips Pineapple bits Coconut flakes Peanuts Chocolate chips MMMMM---------------------SQUIRREL'S DELIGHT-------------------------- Sunflower seeds Walnuts Brazi nuts Corn nuts Pumpkin seeds Peanuts M&M's MMMMM-------------------MOUNT MONADNOCK MUNCH------------------------ Almonds Pecans Date pieces Dried apricots Raisins Cashews Carob chips Although the word "GORP" has not yet made it to Webster's dictionary, sonner or later, GORP becomes a staple in most hiker's and cyclist's lingo. According to historical accounts, the derivation of this unusual term stems from the abbreiated--Good Ole' Raisins and Peanuts. Known to restore life in any weary cyclist, GORP consists of any high energy mixture of nuts, seeds, dried fruit, and chocolate bits (traditionall M&M's). Some dedicated GORP-lovers would not even think of exploring the wild outdoors without their own, conveniently located, GORP fix. The ingredients of GORP depend on the imagination and taste of the eaters. One way to please an entire group is to combine one cup of everyone's favorite GORP ingredient. The possibilities are of course endless... Recipe by Cycle Food by Lauren Hefferon MMMMM