---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.02 Title: Canning Corn (Cream Style) Categories: Vegetables, Canning Yield: 1 recipe Quantity: An average of 20 pounds (in husks) of weet corn is needed per canner load of 9 pints. A bushel weighs 35 pounds and yields 12 to 20 pints--an average of 2-1/4 pounds per pint. Quality: Select ears containing slightly immature kernels, or of ideal quality for eating fresh. Procedure: Husk corn, remove silk, and wash ears. Blanch ears 4 minutes in boiling water. Cut corn from cob at about the center of kernel. Scrape remaining corn from cobs with a table knife. Hot pack--To each quart of corn and scrapings, add two cups of boiling water. Heat to boiling. Add 1/2 teaspoon salt to each jar, if desired. Fill pint jar with hot corn mixture, leaving 1-inch headspace. Adjust lids and process according to the recommendations in Table 1 or Table 2 depending on method of canning used. Table 1. Recommended process time for Cream Style Corn in a dial-gauge pressure canner. Style of pack: Hot. Jar Size: Pints. Process Time: 85 minutes. Canner Pressure (PSI) at Altitudes of 0 - 2,000 ft: 11 lb. 2,001 - 4,000 ft: 12 lb. 4,001 - 6,000 ft: 13 lb. 6,001 - 8,000 ft: 14 lb. Table 2. Recommended process time for Cream Style Corn in a weighted-gauge pressure canner. Style of Pack: Hot, Raw. Jar Size: Pints. Process Time: 85 minutes for Hot, 95 minutes for Raw. Canner Pressure (PSI) at Altitudes of 0 - 1,000 ft: 10 lb. Above 1,000 ft: 15 lb. =========================================================== * USDA Agriculture Information Bulletin No. 539 (rev. 1994) * Meal-Master format courtesy of Karen Mintzias -----