---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.02 Title: Tomato Juice Categories: Beverages, Canning Yield: 1 text Quantity: An average of 23 pounds is needed per canner load of 7 quarts, or an average of 14 pounds per canner load of 9 pints. A bushel weighs 53 pounds and yields 15 to 18 quarts of juice--an average of 3-1/4 pounds per quart. Procedure: Wash, remove stems, and trim off bruised or discolored portions. To prevent juice from separating, quickly cut about 1 pound of fruit into quarters and put directly into saucepan. Heat immediately to boiling while crushing. Continue to slowly add and crush freshly cut tomato quarters to the boiling mixture. Make sure the mixture boils constantly and vigorously while you add the remaining tomatoes. Simmer 5 minutes after you add all pieces. If you are not concerned about juice separation, simply slice or quarter tomatoes into a large saucepan. Crush, heat, and simmer for 5 minutes before juicing. Press both types of heated juice through a sieve or food mill to remove skins and seeds. Add bottled lemon juice or citric acid to jars (See acidification instructions). Heat juice again to boiling. Add 1 teaspoon of salt per quart to the jars, if desired. Fill jars with hot tomato juice, leaving 1/2-inch headspace. Adjust lids and process following to the instructions in Table 1, Table 2, or Table 3 according to the method of canning used. Table 1. Recommended process time for Tomato Juice in a boiling-water canner. Style of Pack: Hot. Jar Size: Pints. Process Time at Altitudes of 0 - 1,000 ft: 35 min. 1,001 - 3,000 ft: 40 min. 3,001 - 6,000 ft: 45 min. Above 6,000 ft: 50 min. Style of Pack: Hot. Jar Size: Quarts. Process Time at Altitudes of 0 - 1,000 ft: 40 min. 1,001 - 3,000 ft: 45 min. 3,001 - 6,000 ft: 50 min. Above 6,000 ft: 55 min. Table 2. Recommended process time for Tomato Juice in a dial-gauge pressure canner. Style of Pack: Hot. Jar Size: Pints. Process Time: 20 min. Canner Gauge Pressure (PSI) at Altitudes of 0 - 2,000 ft: 6 lb. 2,001 - 4,000 ft: 7 lb. 4,001 - 6,000 ft: 8 lb. 6,001 - 8,000 ft: 9 lb. Style of Pack: Hot. Jar Size: Quarts. Process Time: 15 min. Canner Gauge Pressure (PSI) at Altitudes of 0 - 2,000 ft: 11 lb. 2,001 - 4,000 ft: 12 lb. 4,001 - 6,000 ft: 13 lb. 6,001 - 8,000 ft: 14 lb. Table 3. Recommended process time for Tomato Juice in a weighted-gauge pressure canner. Style of Pack: Hot. Jar Size: Pints. Process Time: 20 min. Canner Gauge Pressure (PSI) at Altitudes 0 - 1,000 ft: 5 lb. Above 1,000 ft: 10 lb. Style of Pack: Hot. Jar Size: Quarts. Process Time: 15 min. Canner Gauge Pressure (PSI) at Altitudes 0 - 1,000 ft: 10 lb. Above 1,000 ft: 15 lb. . NOTE: This section of the guide appears to contain some sort of error in the information given within Table 3 above. In the USDA book, there are only TWO sizes of jars specified in the table, but there are THREE separate lines of figures in the table, and it is not completely clear which jar size the second and third entries refer to. I have given the second entry's numbers as those to be used for Quart jars, and below I have reprinted the third entry on the table, for an unknown jar size. Style of Pack: Hot. Jar Size: ??. Process Time: 10 min. Canner Gauge Pressure (PSI) at Altitudes 0 - 1,000 ft: 15 lb. Above 1,000 ft: Not Recommended. =========================================================== * USDA Agriculture Information Bulletin No. 539 (rev. 1994) * Meal-Master format courtesy of Karen Mintzias -----