MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06 Title: Almost La Victoria's Green Taco Sauce Categories: Spice, Tex-mex, Sauces, Chilies, Condiments Yield: 3 quarts 2 lb Anaheim or New Mexico chiles -roast, peel, seed 1 lb Yellow Hungarian Wax chiles -seeded and chopped 1 Serranos and jalapeno; -seeded and chopped 2 1/2 lb Tomatillos; slice 1/8" thick 7 lb Green tomatoes; sliced 1/4" -thick 1/2 bn Cilantro; rough chop 4 cl Garlic 1 md White onion; chopped 1/4 c Lime juice 1/4 c Apple cider vinegar 2 tb Salt 4 tb Corn Starch Here is a recipe that I think comes close to the taste and texture of La Victoria's Green Taco sauce. Heat a large cast iron skillet to hot and toast the tomatoes and tomatillos without any oil. Do just one layer at a time and give each slice a nice dark brown color on both sides without burning. Remove when toasted to a glass bowl. Do not deglaze the pan. In a blender, combine the onion, cilantro, chiles, tomatoes, garlic and tomatillos in batch sizes to half-fill the blender jar. Puree. If any dark brown liquid collects in the bottom of the toasted tomato and tomatillo bowl, add this to the last blender load. Mix the cornstarch in the lime juice/vinegar. In a large stewing pot, combine the blender loads, add the cornstarch mixture and heat until the sauce comes to a low boil, mixing constantly. Be careful here, if you don't mix constantly the thick sauce will tend to erupt in hot little geysers of taco sauce that could burn you. Allow sauce to cool and add salt to taste. Transfer to clean jars, filling them 3/4 full and freeze what you can't use in a few weeks. Be careful not to fill the jars too full or they'll break when you freeze them. I made a batch of sauce last year and it tastes just fine after a year in the freezer. The sauce keeps OK in my refrigerator for at least a month. Adjust heat level to your personal taste. The La Victoria sauce is mild. Recipe By: Bill Wight via Chile-heads Re-posted by Gerald Edgerton To: Bbq Mailing List MMMMM