---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.05 Title: FREEZER SLAW WITH CUCUMBERS~ ONIONS~ & PEPPER Categories: Salads, Vegetables Yield: 8 Servings 1 ga Cabbage -- chopped 1 tb Salt 4 sm Onion 4 Cucumber 2 Carrots 2 sm Peppers 1 ts Celery seed 2 c Sugar 1 c Vinegar 1/2 c Water Mix cabbage and salt. Let stand 30 minutes, then drain. Chop the onions, cucumbers, carrots, and peppers. Add to the cabbage, along with the celery seed. Set aside. Boil the sugar, vinegar, and water for 1 minute. When cold pour over the cabbage mixture, mixing well. Let stand 5 minutes before putting into containers to freeze. -----